A White Winter

     I woke up to the sound of, well, nothing. There were no cars and no chirping birds, but instead a beautiful white blanket covering the grass. It was snowing! I hadn’t seen so much snow in more than two years. 

I jumped from my bed, and headed towards the front door. The first thing I did, not even realizing that I was still in my pajamas, was I put my hand straight in the snow, to see how much had accumulated. It was almost a foot. I remembered seeing somewhere in the weather forecast that it said we would get more that one foot of snow, but I was still satisfied with the amount we had.

I ran to the other side of the house, to see how much snow was there too. When I looked out the window, I was shocked at what I saw. It was like I was on another planet. There was white everywhere, in the trees, on the ground, on houses, and on deer. Wait, deer? I quickly grabbed my camera, and took a shot of a cute little deer, with its family.

After eating and staying a little bit in the house, it was time to go and help my dad "snow blow" the driveway. We got our snowblower a couple of years ago, and never got the chance to use it with big snow, and now we did. We took turns operating the machine, but my dad mostly did the work since my hands were getting cold. 

Finally, when the driveway got cleared, I was ready to go sledding. We searched so many parks that had sledding hills, but I could not go, since all the parks were full of people. To avoid getting infected with Covid-19, we thought it would be better to not go to parks with many people. So instead, we went to a park that did not have any sledding hills, but there was not even a single person around. The park was beautiful with all the white covering the ground. We had to walk on snow, since the park trail wasn’t even cleaned. I also made a snow angel, to bring a little more Christmas cheer into the trip.

Lastly, we went home after the nice adventure. I hope that it will snow throughout the year again. But until then, I will still enjoy the snow that we currently have.


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