A Once In A Lifetime Find

Today we went to Belmar Beach! A place I had not been in a long while. I was expecting it to be the normal boring beach walk, but no! Nooo, I found something abnormal. Something I thought I would never find before. A Once In A Lifetime Find.

I was very excited after hearing my parents talking about going to the ocean. I packed my gear, and started the journey. I was looking out the car window the whole time, as not to miss a nice photo opportunity. And, of course, I had one. Beautiful light rays were coming from the clouds. It was like Heaven on Earth. I snapped some shots of the unusual sky.

After a long ride, we arrived at the beach. I jumped on the high boardwalk, and went to the ocean. I already saw some signs that today was going to be great, for a weird seagull was sitting next to the water. His eyes looked like those of an alien from a horror movie.

Some nice waves were rolling in. Recently, I learned from a book about Fibonacci and his amazing discovery. Even the curve of the waves follow his pattern!! I wanted to take a picture of them, and I got this nice shot.

As I went further and further down the beach, a bigger wave brought in a little stick right in front of my eyes. I thought it was nothing, but when I passed it, I had to pick it up. It had an awkward shape, almost like a knife on one end, and a spear on the other. I could not see it very well, since it had a lot of sand on it, so I rinsed it in water. My jaw fell. AN ANCIENT ARTIFACT!!!!! My dad took a picture of me holding it.

Well this was really an amazing day, so we quickly went back to the car. On the way, we stopped to wash our feet before getting on the boardwalk, and we sat on the stairs for a while. 

We finally arrived home, and I was stoked to go and upload my photos. You might be wondering why I stopped talking about the artifact. I had it in my pocket the whole time. Right? Well, I didn't. When I was washing my feet, I had left the artifact on the stairs, and I went to the car thinking of something else completely. When we arrived home, I realized I didn't have my treasure. This got me very mad, and I asked my dad if he could go and get it the next day. He agreed, and we all went to bed.

The next morning, we all woke up, and I followed the same routine, until we got to the beach. We parked in the same spot, and I dashed to the stairs. Nothing was on the stairs, but something poked out of a pile of sand next to me. It had the two spears sticking out. I grabbed it, and was relieved to know that this was truly the artifact. 

I headed home, and while editing my photos, it got dark outside. We searched all the museums nearby, and they were all closed due to coronavirus. I would like to take the wood to a museum so they can tell me how old it is, and maybe even frame it. 

I went to edit my photos on the deck, and I saw some little faint lights in the yard. I looked closer, and saw they were FIREFLIES!! I have always wanted to see them, let alone photograph. Obviously it was too dark outside to take pictures, but I had a better idea. How about I catch one and keep it as a pet for the night. I quickly grabbed a big container, and headed outside. The little bug is so small, that I had to use its light to help me. 

It is like playing the random game, since it can go in any direction at any time. Closer and closer I got, until I was able to see a faint shape. And I gently brought the box closer, and then closed the lid. Luckily fireflies are not fast, so I could easily catch it. Oh, and I must add, they only come out when the sun sets, otherwise I would have definitely not seen the body.

I put the box in my room, with some grass in it, so the little guy could feel more like at home. At first it did not glow, but after a while, the bug lit up my room. Surprisingly, the body looks pretty cool as well, and just before letting my friend out, I snapped some pictures of him. Its belly looks amazing as well. Of course, the next night, we had a party of fireflies again. 


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