Still Online

     I have been doing online school (Distance Learning) since last spring. But they changed it a bit now. We have the option to do hybrid schooling as well. There are three groups. The first one, which I am in, stays home for the whole week. The second group goes to school on Mondays and on Tuesdays. Then on Wednesday everyone is at home. And on Thursdays and on Fridays the last group goes to school. But there are still only 4-5 kids in my class that go to school two days per week. And we have a class of 26 students, so in my opinion, they should really stop the headache of organizing hybrid schooling for so few kids.

    They have made SOOOO many procedures for the kids and the teachers to follow while they are in school. For example, they must leave the windows open at all times (not very convenient in the winter). Kids do not leave class, only teachers move their stuff on carts coming to class. Yet with all these procedures, we still get emails almost everyday saying that there has been another Covid-19 infected person at schools here. 

    Meanwhile, despite all that is happening, I am still going to parks (before they close them again) on a regular basis. I still take pictures when something catches my eye. So, I am not terribly depressed with the Coronavirus situation. But there are days when I think how fun it would be to have playdates with my best friends. 

    On the other hand,  this situation has some advantages. I do not have to worry with student problems at school. I can get my work done faster without my classmates interrupting me. It is fun staying at home, where I can always go and hug my parents. 

    After all, half of me does wish for this pandemic to be over, and the the other half wants it to continue without any people dying, so I can learn from home. Also, I promise that I will continue writing blog articles, only I have been very busy with school lately. 


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