Going To The Black Sea!! (Part 2 of 4)

A month has passed since that long trip, and it is time to go on a big adventure! Every year me and my family go to the Black Sea, a beautiful place. This year we were a little bit worried, because of the pandemic. There were cases around the area we were going to, but very few. We wore masks, and were careful, but inevitably we had to be around people on the beach and when we were walking. Luckily, we did not get the virus.

Unlike in America, where the ocean is a one hour distance from our house, getting to the Black Sea takes very long. We stopped in a few places to sleep for the night, on the way to the sea and on the way back. 

Our first stop was near some big mountains (Bucegi). There, from the apartment, we could see them right in front of us, and I took some beautiful landscape photos. 
Also, the trains were right next to us, so I would watch them go every day. 

Because the air is so clean up there, I could do some beautiful astrophotography. I knew about the comet Neowise, which was visible for a week or so from Romania. I thought I would see it at the Black Sea. But actually I saw it in the mountains, up in the sky!! At first, I saw a faint trail, which looked to be just an illusion. So just out of curiosity, I let my camera ON for a long exposure time, and there I saw the beautiful comet, with its long tail behind it. I could not believe what I was seeing. I looked at it through my binoculars as well, and I saw it better. 

The comet was actually green! God knows what gasses are surrounding it. I also took a great shot, to show that it was green, with my telephoto lens.

After the fun we had seeing the comet, it was time to go to the Sea. A 4 hour ride was waiting for us, but lucky for me, I slept through half of it. We came to a part where we could see the end of the horizon line, and the dark blue of the sea. I jumped in excitement. When we parked in front of the hotel, I quickly rushed out of the car, and started taking my stuff out. The lady at the reception gave us the room key, and we went in. I changed myself, and now I was wearing only my bathing suit. My dad did the same, and in no time, we were out the door, and into the water. 

Every day was the same, we went on the beach and in water and at night, we would go to a restaurant, and spend our evening there. We also looked for the comet, but there was no luck. The air there was not nearly as clean as in the mountains. This was sad, because we will only be able see this comet after 7,000 years!! I wonder how the world will look then... Anyway, every morning I woke up just before sunrise, because sunrise is very beautiful at the sea, and I would take my camera and tripod, and rush to photograph it. I kept snapping photos, as the sun gently rose higher and higher into the sky. It turns out that I got some awesome shots of it, and I will remember them forever.

The 7 days of fun that we had at the sea was enough, and now it was time to go back home. But like I said before, we needed to stop in a couple of places to sleep for the night...


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