First Feathers

The little chicks, which are now not so little, have grown feathers, so they can fly out in the wild. I will be leaving to another country soon, so sadly I will not get to see the chicks anymore. And I will be away for three months, so the chicks will probably be gone by then. But me leaving is for a different blog article.

After finishing my luggage, I grabbed my camera, and raced to the shed. I opened the latch slowly, as not to wake up the chicks if they were sleeping. I turned my camera on, and looked inside. THEY HAD FEATHERS! And they were all stacked on top of each other! I took a photo of their big eyes and their new feathers

But to really show every detail of them, I got real close with my camera. That is when one of the chicks freaked out, and jumped out of the nest. But that chick did not just jump, it flew! Just a little bit, but it DID fly. I really wanted to put the scared chick back in the nest, but I thought that this might be good practice for the chick's skills to fly, since they are now very big, almost adults! So I closed the shed door and headed back home. 


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