Snow In May, With Snowy Egrets

Some of you might not believe that it can snow in May. That is actually true. I was in the car with my parents and we saw some really angry black clouds. I was sure that it will rain, but still, we went on. When the car got under the clouds, I started seeing small snowflakes, which got bigger and bigger. At some point it was snowing like it never snowed before. I could not believe my eyes. So that's how it is, global warming. But that was yesterday. 

Today, well, today something amazing happened. Some might know that for me, the winning prize for pictures of birds is the Bald Eagle. But I have been waiting for some time to photograph the Snowy Egret. It is a totally white bird that has beautiful colors on its beak. I saw one today, at the now opened park, Cattus Island! Now do you get the title? 

On the way, I saw many hawks, but I did not take pictures of them, for I was in the car, and it was moving very fast. I arrived up to the gated of the park, and saw a ranger. I was convinced that the park is closed, but the gates were opened. She signaled for us to go wait in a nearby parking lot. Then I got it, they were making us wait in a car line, so we could enter the park. After 10 minutes, they finally let us through. Even the cars in the parking lot were one space apart. We got out of the car, and started our journey. I saw a black bird flying, but I did not take a picture of it. We continued on the boardwalk, and thought I saw a Snowy Egret. It turns out it was just a swan. We walked a little more, when I saw a hawk perched on a large piece of wood. When I looked closer, I realized it was an Osprey!!!! It was pretty close as well. I grabbed my camera and tripod and took a great picture of it. Surprisingly, the Osprey was pretty close to me, which made for an extra great picture.

As I continued down the path, I saw a little white bird, next to the swan. I looked through my camera, and then I noticed it was a Snowy Egret. But it was terribly far away, and I could definitely not have taken a good shot. This got me sort of mad, but I told myself to patiently wait. I think I walked 100 feet more, when something caught my eye. To the left, was another egret, and this one was much closer. I snapped an amazing shot of the beautiful bird. 

I took a deep breath, and looked around, and then up. A huge osprey was coming in for the catch, or might I say, had a catch in its talons. This was nothing I could have missed.I took lots of pictures of him and his dinner. 

I thought it was about an hour of walking, and then I spotted something more miraculous. A Great Egret, and it, too, was looking for a meal. My jaw dropped, but there was no time to waste. I took even more pictures. 

I now reached the end of the park, and it was time to head back. This was a great day, I thought to myself. But it only gets better from here. About halfway back to the car, I spotted an Osprey in a tree. The light was perfect, and this one was even closer to me than before. His predator look frightened me, and I got a great picture. I tried to move where the light was better, and zoomed out a bit, so I could catch his whole humongous  body. When I was editing this picture, I noticed the fish that was under his tallon up in the tree! That poor fish had no head, but it was the big bird's lunch.

I always wondered how a hawk, or an eagle can spot fish underwater. I learned that some birds even have double focus on their eyes. I finally reached the car, when I saw an awkward looking bird on top of a tree. I thought this huge bird was a hawk, but no. I even challenged Google, but not even it could figure out what it is. This bird remains a mystery. 

I got home, and edited my photos. I looked out the window, happy with the pictures I took. But this day was double great. Down there were a cardinal male and female. Every time they are together, they kiss. I got my camera, and got this amazing picture of the two kissing. 

This reminded me of a picture I got in New York, with two pigeons kissing. 

I am looking forward to having more days like this one.


  1. I would say the feisty eagle and the delicate egret. What a day!


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