A Fun Day For Pressure Washing And Doing Experiments

Today I took some time to wash the house with our new pressure washer. Our old one (with fuel) broke, so we got a new (electric) one. It doesn't work nearly as well as the old one, and actually, at some point, even cut the power in our house! The only thing I did was to press the Reset button, and it seems like it reset the whole house. 

Now the front of our house looks nice and clean. My dad took a picture of me using the machine. I walked in the house, tired, and took a nice warm shower. After that, I kicked back, and watched some YouTube. I watched a cool experiment, and was desperate to do it myself.

You might know that air has a weight of 14.7 lb per sq inch. An average adult body has 2800 sq inches. So the air weight on our body is about 42,000 lb (VERY HEAVY!!!!) The reason we don't feel that weight is because we have the same pressure inside of us. If we were to get rid of the air in our body, we would be flat on the ground. So basically, I filled a soda can with a little water and put it on the stove. The heat boils the water and leaves instead steam in the can. Next to me I had a bowl, filled with iced water. I took the hot can with steam inside, and placed on top of the hot water with the hole facing down. The cold water sucks the steam inside the can, leaving no air inside. With no pressure inside, the air outside crushed the can immediately. This experiment was very fun, and my dad filmed it with slow motion. Also, I would like to thank "The Action Lab" (my favorite YouTuber) for showing me this awesome experiment.

Nothing else happened today, really. I will definitely try to convince my parents to buy another pressure washer though - a better one!


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