Lots of Wind, And a Touch of Rain

Since I took off my pajamas and got ready for "school", it has been very windy, and a bit rainy. Last night I thought a tornado was going to come. I'm actually surprised the wind did not break any trees. But I'm sure the wind did it someplace else. Few birds were out, because of the rain, so I could not photograph much. And according to the weather forecast, it will rain all week. It looks like the weather is not cooperating with me. We didn't even have a proper winter here in America. Sure it might not mean a lot to you, but winter is my favorite season. It did not even snow properly, maybe only some flakes. It snowed a little in April. It looks like global warming is really happening. After all this fall-like time, I would rather it be hot, than cold.

On the positive side, I took a great picture with a long exposure of the trees waving in the wind. There was a power shortage, that lasted for about 5 seconds. It really creeped me out, but I pulled it together. Anyway, it would be beautiful outside, because the trees are starting to get green. The cold wind and weather ruins it all. 

Sometimes though, very rarely, weathermen are wrong. Let's hope this is the case here. If we cross our fingers, maybe it will stop raining and being windy.


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