Coming Back To The Land Of The Free (Part 4 Of 4)

The fun in Romania has finally come to an end. But that is not all, for I still want to share with you what happened a couple of weeks before we left for America. 

Remember when I mentioned the Danube Delta in one of my articles? There was a tiny bird there that I grew very fond of, and I was desperate to photograph it. That bird is called the Kingfisher. It is truly a masterpiece, but this little bird is VERY naughty. I saw many in the Delta, but I did not get to photograph any. Its colors are so beautiful. You can only see them shine when the bird is flying. And this bird flies FAST! You only get a glimpse of it when it is on its way along the river. It is so fast that it catches a fish in one second!

Well, after we arrived in our home city, me and some friends went to a river, and we saw the Kingfisher again!! I could not believe when I saw its blue colors flying past my eyes. If only I would have known... And, of course, I forgot to bring my camera. Instead it took my friend's camera. I waited and waited, until a Kingfisher sat on a branch, but the camera couldn't focus on it. I was almost 2 yards away from the bird, which is incredible considering how shy this bird is. That left me crying the whole day, since I did not get a good photo. 

If I only knew that Kingfishers are a species on our river. Well, in fact, I would have gone there every day when it was not raining. 

Which is exactly what I did. And believe it or not, eventually I managed to photograph the bird. It is not such a great shot, for the bird was still fairly far away, but at least you can still see it and its colors. 

After the Kingfisher discovery, it was time to say goodbye to all our friends. We did this by going to many terraces and meeting them separately.  I really hope we will be able to meet them next year and this whole pandemic will be over.

It was the last day, and I was excited to go on the train and on planes, but a part of me was still upset that I was leaving my friends and family. We packed our suitcases and loaded them into the car. Then we started for the train station. There we met again with friends and family, to say our goodbyes. When the train arrived, we put our luggage in the compartments, until the train whistled, and we waved to our loved ones, until they were out of sight. The night came, with a full moon in the sky. I barely slept, but the next morning when we arrived to Bucharest, I was as awake as can be. 

The train stopped at the station and we went out with our luggage. There was a nice man there, who offered to take us to the airport. Once we arrived to the airport, we had to wait a long time until our flight came. That was because our train came early, which is a miracle to happen in Romania. Again, it was more complicated because of Covid-19, but it was not that bad. We passed through the check-in, then the security and the waiting. This time it was the other way around. We had to take the small plane first, that only traveled from Romania to Switzerland, and then the big one, which went across the ocean to America.

The flights were ok. It was not as bad as I thought wearing the masks the whole trip. On the big plane, I ate, watched movies, and slept. When we arrived to the airport in America, they did not tell us to stay in quarantine for two weeks, because Romania was not on the list of countries with many Covid-19 cases. It has already been more than two weeks since I am writing this blog article and we did not show any symptoms. I loved my time in Romania, and I hope we will get to go next year again.


  1. Hahaha, yeah, the chase for the elusive kingfisher! That was quite a show those last weeks ! :-p


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