For the First Time In Forever

Ahh, I woke up with a nightmare. The kind of nightmare that wakes you up instantaneously. I dreamed that I saw this huge bald eagle next to me, and that I could not find my camera. I think it was around five o'clock, so I went back to sleep. When I woke back up, at eight, I rushed to my room and hugged my camera. Only to hear that my parents told me we will go to the park today because the Governor announced that they can be opened. I jumped in excitement, and got all my gear ready.

I got in the car, with my backpack. It was very hot outside, so I opened the car window. I just couldn't wait to get there. The park is called "Cattus Island" and it's close to the ocean. There are many interesting birds there, along with other creatures. On the way I saw a hawk, but it was very far away. Once we pulled up to the park, I got my backpack, and put it on my back. My dad signaled me to wait, and he pointed to the boarders. A cop was sitting behind them. THE PARK WAS CLOSED!! I was very upset, of course, but I knew there was nothing I could do. We searched every close by park and beaches, but none were open.

We finally arrived home, and my neighbor was sitting in her yard. Following the social distancing rules, she asked me where I went. I told her the story and she said that her husband went today to another park near our home. It is called "Duke Island Park". My family goes there very often - well, not now. Anyway, I told my parents the good news and before I knew it, we were all back in the car. When we arrived there I immediately saw a Great Blue Heron, just sitting in the grass, and eating fish. The near parking lot was closed, so we had to go to the second one. The park was full of people, so we had to wear our masks. Once we got out of the car, I quickly ran to the Heron, and snapped a couple of photos. We took the trail that had the least people on it, and was the one most filled with nature. A little cute bird was sitting in the tree, and I took a good photo of it. 

I walked slowly, so I don't disturb the wilderness. I heard some rattling in the bushes. "What could it be, what could it be?" I kept asking myself. I saw a little squirrel-like figure. When I took a closer look, I saw the little stripped back, and a face popping out of the leafs. A cute chipmunk was scavenging the ground for a nut. I haven't seen one since last year, so I was really excited to capture it (with my camera). The picture turned out pretty nice. Satisfied with the picture I got, I headed further down the path. 

A typical spring brown butterfly was flying happily in front of me. He stood for 10 seconds on the ground, and that gave me the ability to capture an incredible photo. Butterflies are always tricky, because thy don't stay in one place for long. This one probably just wanted to be in a fashion magazine. 

I was walking next to a river, so I decided to look at the clean water. "Smells like nature", I said. Then I heard that something jumped in the water. I took a closer look, and there were two turtles. I really would have loved getting a picture of turtles, but they were long gone by now. I headed a little bit more down the path, and I came to these bamboo bushes. What I liked about this was the separation of algae and clean water. I could not resist to take a landscape photo of it. I wish I could have seen a snake, but I guess these animals were enough for me. 

We were almost to the end of the trail, when something caught my eye. A beautiful turtle, sitting on a log, looking like she was balancing her shell, with no feet out. She must be a good gymnast. I snapped a shot, before she jumped into the water. 

Right next to her, I saw ANOTHER turtle. More precisely, three turtles. Aligned perfectly on a log. I guess they just liked the warm weather. I know, I know, I already have enough pictures with turtles, but this one was more special. The aligned turtles turned out to get me my favorite picture. 

It was officially the end of the trail, and almost the end of the day, so I headed back home. I uploaded my card, and thought to myself that from a "Park Closed" sign, to a "Welcome To The Jungle" sign, was really all you could ask for. 


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