Yes!! And then as always, No!!

As some of you might know, I have a deep interest in photography. Yes, yes, I know what you have in mind, "Oh, this 5th grade kid, HAH, a photographer". Well, say whatever you want, I won't get offended. I mean, maybe a little. Anyway, the Yes part of today is that I saw a new bird! Yay! At least it is exciting for me. It's called the Gray Blue Gnatcatcher. Since we are all stuck at home at this time, I will be able to see more new birds. I suspect in most of my blog posts I will write about wildlife photography, because I really love everything about animals, big or small. This particular bird is very pretty, mostly because it has a blue stripe on its cheek, and the eyes are cute. The picture is shot with the following settings: ƒ/6.3 1/1250 600mm ISO4000.

Now the No part happened at school. This got me very mad. These days we are doing school remotely, it's called "Distance Learning". Some of you might be familiar with the Google Jamboard. If not, let me tell you what it is. It's basically a place where you can create your own slide/slides, and add things like, sticky notes, images, signatures, etc. There is a button that allows you to change the slide's background. And right next to that is the "Clear slide" button. Of course I haven't drunken my coffee this morning, and didn't have my glasses on, so I just went right ahead and accidentally clicked it. WHAT???? Steam came out of my ears like in that Harry Potter movie. Everything was gone. And don't you dare comment saying that, "Oh, go into the history and..." Well, guess what, I tried everything, and it was gone, all gone. A day of work, POOF, just because somebody was in a rush, and forgot to move that button somewhere else. But it might also just be a bug in my system.

Anyway, I am still happy about the bird part at least. I know next time I ought to have better luck with the Jamboard.


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